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The results and concern over a CT scan started my journey with Dr. Kamesha Harbison. God placed her in my path because He knew that I needed a strong, but compassionate, loving, caring, and Godly doctor to convince me to have a hysteroscopy. Dr. Harbison, was a traveling gynecologist who was working at the hospital where I was admitted for a blood transfusion due to dangerously low hemoglobin and iron levels. While in the hospital for the third time in six months the”doctor on call” ordered a CT scan to see what was causing my heavy vaginal bleeding. After getting the results, he had Dr. Harbison reach out to me. She was kind enough to come to my hospital room late that evening to discuss the results with my sister and me. She informed us that I needed to have a hysteroscopy to examine the inside of the womb and that a biopsy was needed to see if there were any cancer cells present. Dr. Harbison explained things thoroughly and spent a long time getting acquainted with us and praying with us.
Because of Dr. Harbison, I learned early about my cancer and was able to start treatment before it progressed too far. Unfortunately, my youngest sister wasn’t as fortunate. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer about the same time that I was diagnosed with stage 1 cancer. Sadly, she passed away approximately a month after her diagnosis.

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