Authorization for Release of Information "*" indicates required fields I, the undersigned patient/guardian, hereby request and authorize:TO:** KAMESHA HARBISON MDAddress:** 2000 10th Ave S ste 150Phone*706-989-4955Fax*888-571-6142To release information listed below from the records of:Patient Name (Last, First, MI)*Patient Date of Birth*Please provide the following information on the above patient:* Pap Smear Biopsies Office Notes Demographics/Insurance Surgery Information All Labs-Pathology-Radiology Reports All Medical Records I understand this authorization includes the release of all medical records (unless otherwise noted) to include HIV records, psychiatric mental illness, drug/alcohol abuse records, venereal disease and any other statutory protected diseases. By signing, I allow information to be transmitted by fax, I understand that this may limit the security or confidentiality of the records. I acknowledge that I have fully read and understand this authorization. I hereby authorize my medical records to be released to Harbison Covenant Healthcare, and I release Harbison Covenant Healthcare and all staff from any all costs of liability of damages resulting indirectly or directly. This authorization will expire when revoked by me in writing, or in one year. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time in writing, but that it cannot be retroactively revoked.Patient Signature:*Date:CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ